Avoid the anger of paying too much...
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There's no fluff and extra filler in my guide. Just facts, a simple formula that has worked for me. Real, practical tips how to earn free travel. Tips you can put into practice today.
You're going to learn and benefit from my experience. With over a decade in the travel industry, I know the inside secrets, what works and what doesn't.
There's a lot of scams out there. I've gotten some in the mail, saying I have won a free cruise and blah, blah, blah. Call the 800 number and find out they want $100 deposit before they'll talk to you.
It's not about being an air courier. Thats ancient news, and besides you can't take anybody with you as a courier. Oh, and it also costs $200-300 per year just to get on the list as a courier. Then you still have to pay for a portion of the ticket. Is that a good deal? I think not.
I'm going to give you information that will make you a more savvy traveler, armed with information that will save you bucks.
Why Not Fly Free gives a workable plan to attain a goal. The goal of free travel. Simple, yet extremely effective.
More Info : http://Why Not Fly Free.clickbank.net/
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